Video Game Addiction Lawsuit Overview
Parents and young people are filing lawsuits against video game companies alleging many video games are addictive and result in conditions like internet gaming disorder, seizures, depression, and other mental health issues in adolescents and young people. These lawsuits accuse companies like Microsoft, Activision Blizzard, and Epic Games of not properly disclosing the potentially dangerous side effects of their video games. Instead, these lawsuits allege companies designed their games to be increasingly addictive, harming many young people who played the games.
Individuals who have experienced addiction and depression as a result of playing video games say they were not properly warned about this dangerous side effect by the games’ manufacturers. In many cases, their addictions led to mental, physical, and emotional harms. In an effort to gain compensation for these losses, parents and young people are filing video game addiction lawsuits.
Video Game Addiction Lawsuit – 2025 Updates
March 3, 2025: Lawyers Zero-in on Lawsuits Against Video Games that Target Children and Young Adults
As more studies and information emerge that support how video games are addictive to children and teens, people are filing lawsuits against video game developers who make games for young people. Many lawsuits have been filed in the state of California, which is home to Roblox Corporation. Lawyers are intensifying their efforts against developers, who have been accused of purposefully adding addictive features to their games, which has directly impacted the mental health of thousands of young people across the United States.
February 3, 2025: New Study Finds Correlation Between Addiction to Violent Video Games and Aggressive Behaviors In Adolescents
A recent study examined the relationship between playing different types of video games, addiction to those games, and aggressive behaviors in young people. The study, called, “Video Game Addiction and Aggression in Schools: A Study of Moroccan Adolescents’ Behavioral Patterns,” found a positive correlation between video game addiction and aggressive behavior in teens ages 15 to 19 years old. Violent video games depicting war and combat were found to be more likely to cause aggressive behaviors in teens. Gamer’s rage and other anger disorders have been the subject of lawsuits filed against video game makers. These lawsuits, often filed by parents, claim video game developers purposefully made their games addictive, despite known harms to children.
January 16, 2025: More Video Games Lawsuits Filed as New Study Highlights Mechanisms, Risk Factors, and Consequences of Video Game Addictions
Researchers explored how children and young people can develop video game addictions that adversely impact the victims’ lives. The authors noted that the reward system, social opportunities, and other reinforcing factors make video games especially appealing to young people and children and encourage compulsive play. The researchers reaffirmed that gaming addictions can change how someone’s brain works, just like drug, alcohol, and gambling disorders can. These dangerous effects are why many parents and young people are filing lawsuits against video game developers.
January 2, 2025: New Video Game Lawsuit Looks to Hold Video Game Makers Accountable for Injuring Children
In a December lawsuit filed against two video game manufacturers, a mom hopes to hold the developers of Roblox and Fortnite accountable for harming her child. In the complaint filed in California State Courts, lawyers representing the family allege that video game developers have failed to warn parents about the dangers associated with gaming and simultaneously failed to include safeguards in their games for minors. Instead, the lawsuit alleges that Roblox and Fortnite developers implemented programming that made the games more addictive, despite the dangers these features posed to children, teens, and young adults. The lawsuit seeks compensation for the mother’s and child’s losses associated with video game addiction.
December 26, 2024: Mom Files Video Game Lawsuit on Behalf of Her Child Who is Addicted to Video Games
A mother in California has filed a lawsuit against two video game producers—Roblox and Epic Games, which makes Fortnite. In the lawsuit filed in California state court, the mother alleges that her 12-year-old child is addicted to video games and has experienced a number of negative mental health impacts due to their addiction, including, “severe emotional distress, diminished social interactions, lack of interest in other hobbies, and withdrawal symptoms such as rage, anger, and physical outbursts.” The lawsuit also alleges that Roblox and Fortnite have been designed to be addictive and that Epic Games and Roblox knowingly designed their product in a way that would harm people, especially vulnerable minors. In the lawsuit, the plaintiff is looking for compensation for pain and suffering and emotional distress, past and future economic and special damages, medical and related expenses, and other damages.
December 13, 2024: Study Says Up to 10% of Adolescents in Western Countries Are Addicted to Online Games
A study published in Frontiers in Psychology suggested the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) update its diagnostic criteria for internet gaming disorder (IGD), as they further examine the disorder. The study noted that 1% to 10% of teenagers (ages 12 to 19) in Western countries are addicted to online games. In Eastern countries, the study noted as many as 15% of youths have IGD. The study recommends that the criteria in the DSM be updated, as scientists further study how video games and online gaming affect the development of children and young people across the globe.
December 10, 2024: Metanalysis Finds 6.8% of Male Adolescents May Be Addicted to Video Games
A metanalysis that examined data from 16 scientific studies found that as many as 6.8% of adolescent males may be afflicted with internet gaming disorder (ISD). IGD is associated with aggressive and rule-breaking behaviors and social problems. The findings were published in the journal of Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health, and point to broader trends regarding the prevalence of video game addiction among young people.
October 15, 2024: Additional Video Game Addiction Lawsuits Expected To Be Filed Nationwide
Due to the widespread use of video games, the number of lawsuits alleging the industry made purposefully addictive products is expected to grow significantly. The litigation is in the early phases with the potential for a class action or multidistrict litigation.
September 25, 2024: WHO Warns About Problematic Gaming in Youths
The World Health Organization issued a statement warning about problematic gaming in youths across the globe. According to their findings, 12% of youth are at risk of problematic gaming. Over one-third of adolescents surveyed said they play digital games daily, and 22% play for at least four hours on gaming days.
June 5, 2024: JPML Denies Transfer of Lawsuits
The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) has denied a transfer of lawsuits for centralization in the Western District of Missouri. The defendants argued that the consolidation should occur in either the Eastern District of Arkansas or the Northern District of Georgia if it were allowed to proceed.
According to the court order, the differences between the claims are “substantial.” In particular, the court found that the claims are against different groups of defendants and gaming products.
March 15, 2024: Motion Filed to Consolidate Video Game Addiction Lawsuits to Multidistrict Litigation
Attorneys have made a motion to centralize claims in the Western District of Missouri, arguing that there are at least five substantially similar claims filed on behalf of ten plaintiffs.
December 27, 2017: “Gaming Disorder” Recognized by World Health Organization
In their tentative update to the 2018 International Classification of Diseases (ICD), the World Health Organization (WHO) announced their intention to recognize “gaming disorder” as a mental health disorder.
About the Video Game Addiction Lawsuit:
Understanding Video Game Addiction Lawsuits
How Are Video Game Companies Involved in Addiction Lawsuits?
What Are the Allegations Against the Video Game Companies?
Who Is Most at Risk of Video Game Addiction?
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Video Game Addiction?
Can Video Game Addiction Be Treated?
Who Qualifies for the Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?
What Proof Do I Need for a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?
What Are the Recoverable Damages in a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?
What Would Be a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit Payout?
What Is the Deadline to File a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?
How Can I File a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?
Understanding Video Game Addiction Lawsuits
Video game addiction is an increasing problem among America’s youth. People are filing video game addiction lawsuits to rectify the negative impacts addiction has on the lives of children and young people. Many video game developers are accused of designing their games to be increasingly addictive, especially to adolescents. These lawsuits allege companies sold and marketed these games to children despite knowing those products could have severe mental health implications.
Many young people develop addictions to video games and experience a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, social problems, aggression, and lack of impulse control. Parents and young people are filing video game addiction lawsuits to be compensated for the mental, emotional, and financial toll that excessive gaming took on their lives. These lawsuits are way to hold game developers, publishers, and platforms accountable for their wrongdoings.
Recognized Definitions of Video Game Addiction
Addiction to video and online games is a type of disorder recognized by government and scientific agencies. There are several recognized definitions of video game addiction. Regulatory agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Psychiatric Association have defined excessive gaming.
The WHO has listed gaming disorder as a recognized condition and defines it as:
- Gaming Disorder – Defined in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as “a pattern of gaming behavior (‘digital-gaming’ or ‘video-gaming’) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.”
The American Psychiatric Association recognizes Internet Gaming Disorder and defines it as:
- Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) – Described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR) as gaming that causes “significant impairment or distress.” A person must show five or more of the symptoms recognized in the DSM-5-TR to qualify.
What Is Video Game Addiction?
Video game addiction is a behavioral condition officially recognized by government agencies and scientific organizations. It is characterized by compulsive gaming that interferes with a person’s life responsibilities, relationships, and mental health.
Video game addiction can also be referred to as internet gaming disorder (IGD) or gaming disorder (GD). When someone is affected by video game addiction, they prioritize playing video games over things like school, work, personal obligations, hygiene, and relationships.
There are several warning signs that a child or young person may be suffering from video game addiction.
Characteristics of video game addiction in adolescents and young adults:
- Lack of self-control over gaming habits
- Neglect of daily responsibilities and self-care
- Impaired relationships
- Poor academic or job performance
- Preoccupation with gaming
- Symptoms of withdrawal
- Inability to reduce playing
- Unsuccessful attempts to quit gaming
- Deceiving family and friends about video game use
- Loss of interest in non-gaming activities
How Are Video Game Companies Involved in Addiction Lawsuits?
Lawsuits filed across the country allege that video game companies designed their products with addictive features, prioritizing profits over the well-being of players. Accusations also include that the companies engaged in unfair marketing practices, targeting minors despite their vulnerabilities and using deceptive or predatory strategies.
Tactics Used by Video Game Companies to Make Games More Addictive
Video game companies are accused of using a number of addiction-causing tactics when designing and promoting their products. Many of these tactics are especially effective for children and young adults, whose brains are still developing.
Potential addiction-causing tactics utilized by video game companies:
- Microtransactions: Purchases that can be made within a game or app to unlock special features, buy add-ons, or upgrades to the game.
- Loot boxes: In-game or in-app features that can be purchased with real currency or game currency. These tactics usually involve a surprise or unknown item.
- Limited time offers: Limited time offers that entice players to play more often during a short period of time.
- Reward-based systems: Systems that reward a player for longer use, encouraging excessive play.
- Engagement Loops: Infinite progression systems and time-sensitive challenges compelling repeated play.
- Vibrant advertising: Vibrant, youth-oriented advertising that appeals to minors and their susceptibilities.
What Are the Allegations Against the Video Game Companies?
There are many allegations against video game companies named in video game addiction lawsuits. Those allegations include that these companies designed their products with intentionally addictive features such as loot boxes and engagement loops. Other accusations include that the companies failed to warn consumers, particularly minors, about the risk of addiction and targeted those minors despite the risks.
Examples of Specific Allegations Against Video Game Companies
Lawsuits filed by parents and guardians on behalf of young people suffering from video game addiction include specific legal harms. Specific allegations in these lawsuits include the following:
- Failure to Disclose: Products lacked adequate warnings about the risks of gaming addictions.
- Inadequate Parental Controls: Games had insufficient tools for parents or guardians to monitor or limit playing time.
- Deceptive Marketing Practices: Intentional advertising targeting minors despite the potential for them to become addicted.
- Negligence: Companies breached the duty owed to consumers by not implementing safeguards such as time limits, spending caps, and addiction warnings.
- Defective Product Design: The product itself is defective since it can cause harm to consumers.
- Unregulated Gambling: Loot boxes, “pay-to-win” models, and other features are akin to gambling.
- Intentional Misconduct: Companies continued to develop games with addictive features despite being aware of the potential harm they were causing.
Video Game Companies Accused of Wrongdoing
Many video game designers, producers, and manufacturers are listed as defendants in video game addiction lawsuits. Companies that are facing these lawsuits include some of the biggest names in online gaming, including:
- Microsoft
- Activision Blizzard (Call of Duty)
- Roblox
- Nintendo
- Mojang Studios (Minecraft)
- Epic Games (Fortnite)
- Infinity Ward
- Rockstar North Limited (Grand Theft Auto)
- Apple, Inc.
- PlayStation
- Xbox
Other games that are facing lawsuits due to their addictive properties include Overwatch and League of Legends.
In addition to recovering damages for people harmed by video game addiction, it is hoped that litigation may force stricter regulations and accountability in the gaming industry. If successful, the lawsuits may result in changes to how video game makers design and market their games, making these games safer for young people.
Who Is Most at Risk of Video Game Addiction?
It is estimated that over two-thirds of Americans play video games. For many people, gaming offers a harmless form of entertainment, but for some, it can be addictive. While video game addiction can happen to anyone, some groups are more susceptible to the condition than others.
In general, children, teens, individuals with underlying mental health issues, and people with high-stress levels may be at the highest risk for developing an addiction. Because addiction can have a devastating effect on developing brains, parents should be vigilant about signs of excessive gaming.
One analysis published by the journal Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health found that 4.6% of adolescents suffered from video game addiction, and 6.8% of male adolescents were addicted to video games.
People Most At Risk for Video Game Addiction
Some groups of people are at a higher risk of becoming addicted to video games. Certain elements of video games may be more appealing to young, developing brains or people with certain mental health disorders, leading to a greater likelihood of addiction. Some of the demographics with higher rates of video game addiction include:
- Children and Teenagers: Children and teens are significantly more at risk for developing video game addiction for a number of reasons. Legal documents allege that video game companies designed their products to appeal to minors, tapping into their vulnerabilities. Additionally, children with lower social competence and higher impulsivity may be more prone to video game addiction.
- People with Mental Health Issues: Individuals with anxiety, depression, ADHD, and other mental health conditions are more likely to become addicted to video games. They often use games as an escape from reality, stress, or their underlying struggles.
- Individuals Seeking Social Connection: Individuals hoping to find social connection may look to online games and corresponding communities to help provide a sense of belonging. Video game companies prey on this basic human need.
- People with High Stress Levels: Individuals with high levels of stress may use games as a temporary escape from reality and their personal or professional responsibilities.
- Individuals with Competitive or Perfectionist Tendencies: Hypercompetitive individuals or perfectionists may become addicted to video games in an effort to achieve a high score or rank.
Studies show that age may play a role in video game addiction. For adults, people between the ages of 18 to 34 are the most likely to become addicted. People assigned male at birth are also more susceptible to excessive gaming compared to their female counterparts. Finally, people who play video games alone, play shooter games, or play MMORPGs (role-playing games) may also be at an increased risk of developing an addiction. It is estimated that between 1.7% to 10% of the U.S. population is affected by video game addiction.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Video Game Addiction?
Video game addiction can impact a person’s daily life, including their emotional, physical, and mental health. It may also lead to a person neglecting personal responsibilities and relationships. In adults, gaming addiction can lead to someone neglecting professional responsibilities and cause substantial financial losses. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional as soon as any indications of excessive gaming or addiction are seen in someone of any age.
Signs and Symptoms of Video Game Addiction:
- Lack of Control: The inability to stop playing video games despite negative consequences.
- Prioritizing Gaming: Prioritizing gaming over personal or professional obligations, relationships, sleep, and other activities.
- Excessive Playing: Playing video games for 3 or more hours each day.
- Missing Work or School: Missing or avoiding work or school to play video games.
- Lying About Gaming Habits: Concealing game playing from friends and family.
- Obsessing Over Video Games: Constantly talking or thinking about video games and feeling an intense urge to play.
- Emotional Distress: Feeling frustrated or agitated if you aren’t able to play or use games to escape from feelings of stress or sadness.
- Loss of Interest: Losing interest in other activities, isolating from others, and withdrawing from normal social activities.
- Physical Conditions: Experiencing chronic fatigue, insomnia, irregular sleep patterns, eye strain, headaches, weight gain, and poor hygiene are all common with video game addiction.
- Overspending: Spending excessive amounts of money on equipment, in-game purchases, or subscriptions.
Can Video Game Addiction Be Treated?
There are several treatments available to people who are addicted to video games. Many treatments that are effective for people with substance-abuse disorders are also effective in treating people with video game addiction.
Video Game Addiction Treatments
Children and young adults who become addicted to gaming should speak with their physicians about treatment options. Early intervention can be beneficial in recovery. Some of the treatments available to people suffering from video game addiction include:
1. Therapy and Counseling
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A type of talk or psychotherapy that helps to address addictive behaviors and develop positive coping skills. Individuals often work on identifying negative thoughts and behaviors that drive their compulsive gaming.
- Family Therapy: Takes a family approach to addressing the underlying addiction. Works with the individual and their close family members to develop positive behaviors and coping mechanisms.
- Individual Counseling: One-on-one therapy with a licensed counselor. May be done individually or in conjunction with other types of therapy.
2. Support Groups
- Peer Support: In addition to therapy, peer support groups like
“Online Gamers Anonymous” can help keep a person accountable and promote recovery. - 12-Step Programs: Similar to alcohol 12-step programs, the principles can be applied to gaming addiction.
3. Digital Detox Programs
- Short-Term Abstinence: Detox programs can also help excessive gamers to develop healthier habits and break addictive behaviors.
- Gradual Reduction: Reducing gaming hours over time through a gradual process can help to address excessive playing.
- Supervised Programs: In cases of severe addiction, individuals may be able to check into a retreat or rehab facility for treatment.
4. Medication (If Necessary)
- Medications: While no medication currently exists to address video game addiction, there are medications that can address some of the other mental health issues associated with the disorder, including anxiety, depression, and ADHD.
In addition to professional therapy, behavioral interventions can be applied. These include setting boundaries that implement time limits for gaming, replacing video games with more productive activities, and providing a reward-based strategy to promote less video gaming.
Who Qualifies for the Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?
In order to file a video game addiction lawsuit, you will need to meet certain qualifications. The best way to determine whether you meet the eligibility requirements necessary to file a claim is to consult with an attorney as soon as possible. Parents or guardians can file lawsuits on behalf of minors.
Eligibility Criteria for Filing a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit
Young people or parents who want to file video game addiction lawsuits must meet certain eligibility requirements. Those requirements include:
- Proof of Medical Diagnosis: You must be able to show through medical or mental health records that you or your child were diagnosed with depression, anxiety, gamer’s rage, seizures or epilepsy, or oppositional defiance disorder after you or your child started extensive video game play.
- Proof of Play: You or your child must have played certain games on specific consoles. You must have engaged in play for more than 3 hours a day for at least 5 weeks.
- Age: You or your child must have started gaming before the age of 24 and started experiencing symptoms of a mental health or seizure disorder before the age of 25. Players under the age of 18 may have especially strong cases.
Establishing lawsuit eligibility is complex. An experienced attorney can work with you to determine your eligibility.
What Proof Do I Need for a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?
Strong evidence is often needed to substantiate your claim in a video game addiction lawsuit. In particular, you will need to prove that you were diagnosed with a recognized mental health condition and that you suffered actual losses.
Furthermore, your attorney will need to gather evidence showing that the gaming company used addictive features in their products, targeted vulnerable populations, and failed to warn consumers despite knowing the risk of harm.
Evidence That May Be Needed to In a Video Game Lawsuit
If you file a video game addiction lawsuit on your own behalf or on behalf of a minor, you and your attorney will work to compile evidence to support your case. Compiling thorough evidence can increase the odds of a successful outcome for your lawsuit. Some of the evidence you would collect for your lawsuit includes:
Proof of Addiction
- Medical Records: Your attorney may ask for a copy of your medical records showing a diagnosis of a physical or mental health condition caused by your addiction.
- Gaming Logs: Proof of your excessive gaming use, including logs, in-game stats, and app usage data, can help to substantiate your claim.
- Mental Health Records: You may be entitled to compensation for any mental health counseling that you have had to help cope with your video game addiction, such as counseling, therapy, or rehabilitation.
Proof of Financial Loss
- Proof of Purchases: Proof of purchases related to your video game addiction, such as microtransactions, subscriptions, and in-app purchases, can help corroborate your claim.
- Bank and Credit Card Statements: Bank and credit card statements showing out-of-pocket expenses related to your excessive video gaming.
- Lost Wages: Evidence of lost wages or job termination caused by your addiction to video games.
Proof of Diminished Quality of Life
- Personal and Witness Statements: If the addiction diminished your quality of life by affecting your academic, social, or professional life, you need to show proof through your own statement and the accounts of those closest to you. Friends and family may also be able to attest to changes in your behavior.
Additionally, your attorney will work to establish the case against video game makers. If video game lawsuits are consolidated into a multidistrict litigation (MDL), some of this evidence will be gathered before you file a lawsuit. Attorneys representing people harmed by video game addiction will work to establish that video game makers were negligent and knowingly did harm to people. Evidence against video game makers may include:
Proof of Company Wrongdoing
- Proof of Addictive Gaming Features: Features such as loot boxes, reward systems, and time-sensitive challenges have been shown to promote addictive behavior. Screenshots and expert analysis can help support this claim.
- Proof of Failure to Warn: Evidence showing that the gaming products lacked any warning about their potentially addictive effects.
- Deceptive Advertising: Documents showing the gaming companies targeted minors or downplayed the potential addictiveness of their products.
- Expert Opinions: Expert testimony can help to support your case and substantiate your claim. Experts can testify about the addictive properties of the games and the negative effects they may have on young adults and minors.
What Are the Recoverable Damages in a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?
Individuals who have suffered from video game addiction may be entitled to financial compensation from the manufacturers and distributors of the games. Depending on the circumstances, claimants may be able to recover economic losses and non-economic losses.
In some cases, plaintiffs may be able to claim punitive damages, mainly where the company’s misconduct was egregious. There may also be special damages for minors, including parental expenses and losses related to developmental issues.
Recoverable Damages in a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit
If a parent or young adult files a video game lawsuit, they may receive compensation related to:
Economic Damages:
- Medical Bills: Plaintiffs may be able to recover medical expenses such as the cost of therapy or counseling as well as treatment for physical conditions, including eye strain and back problems.
- Lost Wages: If the addiction caused missed work, missed school, or a job loss, plaintiffs may be able to recover damages related to lost income.
- Missed Educational Opportunities: If the addiction resulted in academic setbacks or the loss of a scholarship, a young person may be entitled to additional damages.
- Out-of-Pocket Losses: Individuals may be able to recover out-of-pocket expenses associated with video game usage, including microtransactions and gaming subscriptions.
Non-Economic Damages:
- Emotional Distress: If the gaming addiction resulted in a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression, people may be able to recover damages related to emotional distress.
- Loss of Enjoyment of Life: Plaintiffs who had a diminished quality of life as a result of their addiction or had strained relationships may be entitled to additional damages.
Punitive Damages:
- Egregious Behavior: Some courts may allow punitive damages that are designed to punish the company for gross negligence or egregious misconduct.
Additionally, the parents of a minor may be able to claim damages related to their child’s medical bills, legal fees, therapy, and rehabilitation. The minor may be entitled to special damages such as compensation for any impairment to their social, academic, or emotional development.
What Would Be a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit Payout?
Due to the early stages of video game addiction lawsuits, there have been no standardized settlement amounts established. Potential recovery in a case may include compensation for medical bills, lost wages, emotional distress, diminished quality of life, and future treatment costs.
An attorney can help provide guidance about the value of your claim and what you should seek in damages. Consulting with a lawyer as early in the process as possible can help ensure you receive the damages you deserve.
What Is the Deadline to File a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?
The deadline to file a video game addiction lawsuit is state-specific. Most states allow between 1 and 6 years to file a claim based on personal injury or product liability.
However, there may be an exception that extends the amount of time someone has to file, including if they were a minor at the time they became addicted. Due to the complex nature of these legal deadlines, it is strongly recommended to speak with an attorney as early in the process as possible, so that cases are filed within the statute of limitations.
Key Considerations For Statutes of Limitations In Video Game Lawsuits
- General Timeline: Cases must be filed within 1 to 6 years in most states.
- Statute of Repose: This may limit the amount of time you have to file a claim based on a specific event, such as the product’s sale date. For instance, Connecticut has a 10-year limit from the product’s last sale date to file a claim.
- Discovery Rule: States that the statute of limitations starts when the injury is or should have been discovered. The discovery rule often comes into play in video game addiction lawsuits where the harm may not be immediately apparent.
- Exceptions: Most states make an exception for minors, tolling (pausing) the statute of limitations until they are 18 years old.
How Can I File a Video Game Addiction Lawsuit?
In order to file a video game addiction lawsuit, there are several steps you must follow. Due to the infancy of this litigation, it is imperative to consult with an attorney about whether you may qualify to take legal action and what the necessary steps are to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.
Steps to file a video game addiction lawsuit:
- Consult with an attorney: The first step in filing a video game addiction lawsuit is to consult with an attorney. An attorney can help determine whether you meet the eligibility requirements necessary to file a claim.
- Gather evidence: Once eligibility is determined, your attorney will guide you on what evidence you need to support your claim. Evidence may include internet usage logs, cell phone bills, and your comprehensive medical records showing how the addiction affects your mental or physical health.
- File the claim: The next step in a video game addiction lawsuit is filing the claim in the appropriate courthouse. Your attorney will draft and file the complaint, ensuring it meets all legal requirements, including filing it within the statute of limitations.
- Enter negotiations: After the case is filed, it will enter into the discovery phase, where both parties can exchange and review information. Your attorney may also negotiate for a settlement. Accepting a settlement can help expedite the process, but it should be reviewed by your legal team.
- Set the matter for trial: If a favorable settlement cannot be reached, the matter may be set for trial. Both parties present their case at trial, and a judge or jury decides the outcome.
- Post-trial follow-up/Appeal: Your attorney will help ensure you receive any settlement or jury award timely. If the decision was unfavorable, there may be an opportunity to appeal.
Contact a Video Game Addiction Lawyer
If you or your child has experienced video game addiction, you may be entitled to compensation. The lawyers at King Law are well-versed in handling product liability lawsuits and holding large, corporate entities accountable. Contact our office today to determine whether you are eligible to take legal action against gaming manufacturers.