


Written By: Robert King, Esq.
Legal Review By: Greg Colavecchia, Esq.
Accused of a Title IX Violation?
Get a Lawyer Now!

Tuscaloosa, AL – Title IX Lawyers

Title IX is part of the Education Amendments of 1972, designed to protect students, staff, and faculty from being discriminated against on the basis of sex. Title IX applies to most private and public educational institutions receiving federal funding. 

Allegations of a Title IX violation can be devastating, ruining your reputation or your career. If you are accused of violating Title IX, you need to speak with an attorney as soon as possible. At King Law, our Tuscaloosa Title IX lawyers will provide you with the guidance and resources you need to make informed decisions about your case. Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation.

On this page:

Title IX Regulations – 2025 Updates

February 2024: Changes to Title IX that were expected to take effect in March 2024 were further delayed after “overwhelming feedback on the proposals.” It is anticipated that the changes could be released in summer 2024. 

May 2023: Due to a high volume of feedback, final rule changes to Title IX were delayed until October 2023. This marks the second setback in the process.

What is Title IX in Tuscaloosa, AL?

Title IX is a federal civil rights law that protects staff, students, and faculty at public and private schools who are not discriminated against on the basis of sex. It was designed to ensure equal educational opportunities for all students. The scope of Title IX has been expanded to include protection against sexual harassment, sexual assault, retaliation for making a report, and a multitude of other violations.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational institutions across the country. The law applies to both public and private higher education and undergraduate programs and activities that receive federal funding. While there are limited exceptions, most colleges and universities throughout Tuscaloosa are required to comply with Title IX.

What Would Be a Violation of Title IX in Tuscaloosa Schools?

Violations of Title IX in Tuscaloosa schools include but are not limited to gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sex violence, retaliation, and the creation of a hostile work environment. If you have been accused of violating Title IX at a Tuscaloosa school, you need to speak with an attorney immediately to determine the best course of action moving forward. 

Violations of Title IX in Tuscaloosa schools:

  • Gender discrimination: gender-based harassment or discrimination. Gender discrimination may include gender-based bullying, unfair treatment, sexism, or discrimination in activities or programs.
  • Sexual harassment: unwanted sexual advances or offensive sexual conduct. Sexual harassment may include any unwanted sexual behavior, such as stalking or obscene communications.
  • Sex violence: non-consensual sexual contact. Sex violence may involve assault, battery, or any act against a person’s will. 
  • Retaliation: negative employment actions related to a filed complaint. Retaliation may include a demotion or any unfair treatment of an employee who filed a Title IX complaint.
  • Hostile environment: discriminatory or harassing conduct that creates an adverse or intimidating work environment. A hostile work environment may include bullying or offensive remarks.

Title IX is far-reaching, and allegations of a violation must be taken seriously. Colleges and universities are required to fully investigate any formal complaints. 

Title IX Violation Examples:

  • Non-consensual sex between students when one is incapacitated due to alcohol intake.
  • A professor repeatedly makes sexist remarks in class.
  • Athletic programs at a college or university are disproportionate. 
  • An employee who is fired after filing a complaint based on a Title IX violation.
  • Discriminatory practices in the admissions office.

What Does Title IX Not Protect Against in Tuscaloosa?

While Title IX covers a wide range of sex-based discrimination, there are some instances where it does not apply. For example, Title IX specifically excludes single-sex admissions policies of elementary, secondary, and private undergraduate schools. Additionally, the admission policies of certain organizations, such as the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and the YMCA, are also not covered by Title IX.

Most Common Title IX Cases in Tuscaloosa, AL

There have been several Title IX cases documented in Tuscaloosa specific to coaches, student-athletes, professors, etc. Some of the most common Title IX cases in the Tuscaloosa area are shown below.

Common Title IX cases in Tuscaloosa, AL include:

  • A female coach with the same duties as a male coach at her same level is paid substantially less. 
  • A student is sexually assaulted by another student at a fraternity party. 
  • A faculty member at a university is demoted after filing a claim related to a Title IX violation. 
  • A student receives obscene messages from a professor.

These are just a few of the most Title IX cases that often impact students, staff, and faculty members at schools in Tuscaloosa area. Other common examples include when a fraternity member sexually assaults another student at a party, particularly when the student is under the influence of alcohol and unable to consent.

What To Do if Accused of a Title IX Violation

The steps that you take after a Title IX accusation often prove critical. It is imperative to remain calm. There is no need to panic. Allegations are merely the start of a process and will not necessarily result in adverse consequences. 

One of the most important things you can and should do after you become aware of allegations is to take some time to familiarize yourself with your school’s Title IX procedures. An attorney can also help guide you through the process. They will provide you with assistance preparing your statement, collecting evidence, and participating in proceedings. If necessary, an attorney can help you appeal a negative judgment.

This infographic lists 3 important steps to take when accused of a title nine violation. This infographic also lists examples of evidence that can be useful in an investigation.

Title IX Investigation – Timeline and Process

A Title IX investigation can take several months to complete. However, some schools may have strict timelines associated with a Title IX violation. For instance, a university may be required to complete an investigation into any formal claims within 60 days. 

It is important to note that throughout the process, an administrator conducting the hearing must remain objective, evaluating the complaints without bias. Once all of the evidence is received and the hearing is complete, you will be notified of the findings. If the case did not resolve in a favorable disposition, you may be entitled to an appeal.

Title IX Reporting Requirements in Tuscaloosa, AL

All universities and colleges in Tuscaloosa are required to employ a Title IX coordinator to oversee and investigate claims. Most Title IX reports can be filed online or in person with the Title IX coordinator. Non-compliance with Title IX reporting requirements can result in civil liabilities. 

To file a Title IX violation, you should:

  • Get in touch with your school’s Title IX coordinator. 
  • Report the incident directly to him or her.
  • Ask about next steps and any evidence you may need to collect to prove your case. 

Compliance with Title IX is critical. Any accusations of a violation can deeply damage your reputation, your career, and your education.

How to File a Title IX Complaint in Tuscaloosa, AL

Each college or university in Tuscaloosa, AL, should provide detailed information on how to file a Title IX complaint. Under most circumstances, students, faculty, or staff can file a complaint directly with the Title IX coordinator on campus. Individuals may also file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights.

Colleges and Universities in Tuscaloosa, AL

Title IX Coordinator Contact Information:

The University of Alabama
Jessica Humber
(205) 348-0582

Stillman College
Dr. Bettye Mullen
(205) 349-4240 ext. 8894

Shelton State Community College
Wyetta Ryan Barnes, Ph.D.
(205) 391-2481

Tuscaloosa Title IX Attorneys for Students, Student-Athletes, Faculty, and Staff

At King Law, our legal team has extensive experience assisting students, student-athletes, faculty, and staff at Tuscaloosa schools to understand and navigate allegations of Title IX violations. Our attorneys know what is at stake, including the damage to your reputation and the potential for suspension, expulsion, or job loss. We will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case. 

Contact a Title IX Lawyer in Tuscaloosa, AL

Were you accused of violating Title IX in Tuscaloosa, AL? Our Title IX lawyers will help to protect your rights and ensure you receive a favorable disposition in your case. We have years of experience handling Title IX cases nationwide and will work hard to mitigate any damages from the allegations. Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are common violations of Title IX in Tuscaloosa, AL?
Common violations of Title IX in Tuscaloosa, AL, include non-consensual sex between students, sexual harassment, disproportionate athletic programs, and sex-based discrimination in the admissions process.
What are the mandatory reporting requirements for Title IX violations in Tuscaloosa, AL?
Most employees at a college or university are mandatory reporters when it comes to a Title IX violation. Failure to report can result in serious disciplinary action.  
What methods can be used to file a Title IX complaint in Tuscaloosa, AL?
Individuals may file a complaint through their Title IX coordinator or with the Office for Civil Rights.
What is the typical timeline for a Title IX investigation in Tuscaloosa, AL?
Individuals who filed the complaint can expect to receive a response within five days. The investigation may take up to 60 days.
Can someone file a Title IX complaint on behalf of another individual in Tuscaloosa, AL?
Anybody can file a Title IX complaint on behalf of another individual.  
Can Title IX violations lead to criminal charges in Tuscaloosa, AL?
Depending on the circumstances of the case, a person may face both sanctions through their school and criminal penalties.  
What are the statute of limitations for a Title IX violation in Tuscaloosa, AL?
The statute of limitations depends on the type of case. It is in your best interest to consult with a lawyer as early in the process as possible. An attorney can provide guidance on any statutes of limitations that may apply in your case.
What is the most useful evidence in a Title IX case?
The most useful evidence in a Title IX case are documents, text messages, photos, and videos.
Are Title IX complaints confidential or public in Tuscaloosa, AL?
Title IX complaints are public but details about the complaint may be made private.